LIVE : DAY 03-Oct.01

Sep.29, 30 & Oct.01, 2022 | 399 Revolution Drive, Somerville, MA

Minimally Invasive and Novel Therapeutics (MINT) in Foregut Disease

8:00 – 8:05 AM

Introduction & Welcome Back
Charu Paranjape, MD, Kumar Krishnan, MD

8:05 – 8:10 AM

MINT International
Charu Paranjape, MD, Kumar Krishnan, MD

Moderators: Kumar Krishnan MD, Charu Paranjape MD, George Velmahos MD, Amol Bapaye MD, Balasubramaniam Ramana, MD, Enrique de Madaria, MD

8:10 – 9:10 AM

Dr. Amol Bapaye and Foundation for Research and Education in Endoscopy

Welcome, Introduction to FREE Foundation & Session
POEM + Endoscopic Fundoplication (POEM + F)
Amol Bapaye, MD

Endotherapy for Duodenal Adenomas – EMR, ESD, Hybrid Concepts?
Seiichiro Abe, MD

The “Difficult” POEM – Challenges, Tips, Tricks
Mohan Ramchandani, MD

Endoscopic Full-Thickness Resection for Gastric SETs
Hon Chi Yip, MD

Discussion Q & A with All Participants
Pankaj Desai, MD
Harshal Gadhikar, MD
Rapat Pittanyanon, MD
Seiichiro Abe, MD
Mohan Ramchandani, MD
Hon Chi Yip, MD

9:10 – 9:20 AM


9:20 – 10:50 AM

Dr. Balasubramaniam Ramana and Abdominal Wall Reconstruction (AWR)
(Talks are 13 minutes each)

AWR: Should We Have Second Thoughts in 2022?
Balasubramaniam Ramana, MD

Hybrid eTEP and Open Reverse-TAR Approach for the Management of Large Lumbar Hernias with Associated Synchronous Midline Defects
Javier Lopez-Monclus, MD

Bariatric Surgery in Very Complex Hernias: Is it Worth it?
Fernando Ferreira, MD

CT Scans in the Previously Operated Abdominal Wall
Eham Arora, MD

Redo Fundoplication: Tips and Tricks
Roysuneel Patankar, MD

The Difficult Inguinal Hernia – Escape Routes for the Smart Surgeon
Pramod Shinde, MD

Discussion Q & A with All Participants for 12 minutes
Panelist: Ramesh Punjani, MD

10:50 – 11:50 AM

Dr. Enrique de Madaria of the Spanish Association of Gastroenterology (AEG)

Paraduodenal Pancreatitis, The Disease with a Hundred Names
Enrique de Madaria, MD

Endoscopic Full-thickness Resection for Duodenal Lesions
Klaus Mönkemüller, MD

Antireflux Mucosal Ablation and Antireflux Mucosectomy: Hype or Hope for GERD
Enrique Rodríguez de Santiago, MD

GIST Diagnosis and Novel Techniques of Resection
Katarzyna M. Pawlak, MD

11:50 AM – 12:00 PM


12:00 – 12:45 PM

Keynote Address: Video-based Learning for Surgeons and Gastroenterologists: Present and Future
Michael Awad, MD

12:45 – 1:00 PM

Wrap-up and Questions
Charu Paranjape, MD, Kumar Krishnan, MD